AID Animaux Chateaubriant - Action et Information pour la Défense des Animaux

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En savoir plus

La stérilisation, pourquoi c'est une nécessité. Plus d'infos

L'identification à quoi ça sert ? Plus d'infos

"They don't look right or they are unpretty. They are too old, too big, too small, the ears are not the right position, hunt dogs therfore no good home pets, and invertly..."

They've been here for a long time.

Caution old timers, don't adopt a puppy who could live longer than you... if your descendance is interested in your heritage, they rarely accept to care about your pets.


AID Animaux - B.P 134 - 44110 Châteaubriant - 02 40 55 01 09 - 02 40 28 37 39
Webdesign et conception du site Karine SANCHE