AID Animaux Chateaubriant - Action et Information pour la Défense des Animaux
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Too many animals suffer from bad treatments, due to the dumbness or the ignorance of their owners. Locked up, badly lodged, badly fed, they don't have any other choice than suffering their fate...

AID receives many calls concerning ill-treated animals.

In every case, the owner is visited and informed about his obligations concerning his pet. We ask him to respect them. In case of, usually stubborn, opposition, it is necessary to resort to the forces of law and order.

Bought or given to please a kid, keep the house, to do like everyone... the dog finally ends his life chained up in miserable conditions showing his owner's subtility... Isolated, left to winter cold and summer heat, with a few leftovers as only food... a real dog's life ! Thank you master...



AID Animaux - B.P 134 - 44110 Châteaubriant - 02 40 55 01 09 - 02 40 28 37 39
Webdesign et conception du site Karine SANCHE